3 min read
Let’s talk about sequels

"Life is not so much about beginnings and endings as it is about going on and on and on. It is about muddling through the middle." ~Anna Quindlen

A sequel is used when a character reacts to their failure in a scene and thinks about a new plan of action. 

A character may be alone or with another character. This is a perfect chance to make use of your confidant character. 

A pair of friends side by side, facing away from the camera while leaning on a fence, enjoying the sunset together.

Readers can get bored when too much time is spent trapped in a character’s thoughts and feelings. 

Remember that sequels should be shorter than scenes. Sequels are generally 300-800 words long. 

A book should have about 30% sequels and 70% scenes. 

For example: If a book has 70 scenes total, it will have an approximate balance of 50 scenes (action parts) and 20 sequels (reaction parts). 

Two Tips:

  • If alone, show a character’s reactions using thoughts, body language, and actions. 
  • If they‘re with another character, employ dialogue in addition to thoughts, body language, and actions to express their reactions.  

Use a sequel if:

  • A character’s reaction to an event is strong, for example, they are devastated, bitterly disappointed, furious, or grief-stricken. 
  • A character’s reaction requires analysis or weighing of options. 
  • The action scene is momentous or life changing. 

A woman facing away from the camera, sitting on a rock that overlooks a valley area at sunset. She appears to be deep in thought.

Remember that the sequel is cathartic. It gives a character and the reader a chance to rest and take stock of what’s happened.

The Anatomy of a Sequel 

The sequel has four phases, in this order: 


The character reacts with their heart. They could feel outraged, angry, insulted, frustrated, embarrassed, etc. 


They decide on a plan to solve the new problem created in the previous action scene. 


They calm down and react using their brain. 


They set a new short-term goal that puts them on the path to the next action scene.


Following the scene where Jim found out that his daughter was ill, we move into a sequel where he must deal with this news: 

Emotional: Jim visits his best friend and breaks down. 

Rational: They discuss the facts of what has happened. Decision: Jim decides that staying with his wife is the only option for now. 

Action: He calls his lover, leaves a message, and heads home. 

TIP: A sequel is ALWAYS followed by a scene. Having consecutive sequels is boring and hinders successful pacing of a story.

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