The Tidy

Editing for Adult Novels
Fantasy, Sci-Fantasy,
and other speculative fiction

Helping AuDHD authors limit the stress of revision.

Feel confident and empowered to produce
tidy, covetable novels that have readers craving more.

i want a tidy novel image

Congratulations on arriving to the editing stages!

First, let me say you're awesome! (Truly.) Second, I recognize and deeply respect that you've put A LOT of yourself into your novel. I sincerely hope you've taken the time to be proud of all you've accomplished.

I'm aware that looking for an editor can be tough, so I'm going to try to keep it easy. I'm here to work with you how you work best.

Because you're here, I'm pretty sure you know I'm here to help you with anything from plot holes, character development, and worldbuilding, to things like spelling, grammar, and other elements of the story but overall my goal is to help:

  • get the story prepared for readers,
  • uphold your unique style and voice, and 
  • ensure readers stay captivated.

These are HUGE things, and they need to be tailored.
Fiction editing is an area with lots of gray; each story is different, as is each author.
Editing fiction is not black and white—it's much like writing it; it’s an art.

Finding the right editor is about building a relationship with someone you're comfortable collaborating with.
It's choosing a partner; you need to find out if they "get" you. So, what do you say about spending a little time together?

I strongly believe any good relationship must be flexible.
So . . .
How about we start with:

After that, if we feel we'd be a good team, we'll move on to what's next—and I'll genuinely be honored to be your investment in preparing your book for its debut.

Already know what kind of editing you need? Awesome!
If you're not entirely sure, I've included a brief description of each type of editing I offer in the Services section.

Being an Autistic ADHDer, I prefer methods of contact that I can easily refer back to and ensure I'm remembering correct details of what we've discussed.

Please select and fill out the "New Client Intake Questionnaire" to get started.

In the form, please be sure to indicate if you prefer video or audio-only Zoom meetings
you can even request to correspond through email any or all of our time working together.

Whichever way you’re most comfortable with, let's "make it so".
I’m here to make success simple, attainable, and as stress-free as possible.

I'm also open to offering payment options that fit both our needs.

Keep reading if you'd like to find out a bit more about me and how we may work well together.
About me image
Editing is one of my special interests for many reasons. I won't carry on with my entire life story, but one of those reasons is that I really—I mean really—enjoy patterns, puzzles, and complexity.

I also believe details are incredibly important.
They are exactly what combine to create the big picture . . . and they have always been easy for me to notice.

Clarity is something I've always sought and been dedicated to enforcing by using accurate and conscious language. My desire for accuracy definitely comes in handy creating descriptions of most any kind.

These are just a few of many characteristics that come from my being neurodivergent. I have a lifetime of lived AuDHD experience, thirteen years parenting my AuDHD child, and have also homeschooled them for these past five years.

My point:
I understand the daily challenges of ND life and how they can affect the creation process. I’m an artist, too. In my spare time I greatly enjoy working on realistic graphite portraits of people and pets. I also have a love of words, rhythm, and music.

I know the drive of perfectionism and the necessity of freedom of expression in the art of writing.
I’ll help you get through times when confidence is lacking, when perfectionism is being restrictive, and all the time in between while working with you throughout the editing process.

If you understand how special interests work for AuDHDers, you can safely bet I’m dedicated to doing a stellar job in helping you get your story to its highest level of awesome.

Editing non-fiction throughout my other careers became a hobby-turned-uncompensated service I provided several of my co-workers and employers.
(You live, you learn, right?)

However, fantasy/fiction is what I adore. Give me the other worlds, the otherworldly, the "other" stuff. Take me out of reality and let me soak in the plots of the unknown. Toss me into the "what if this was what life was like?" ocean.
I enjoy fantasy the most, but I also value a good horror and adore some crafty, witty, nonsensical literature.

I earned my proofreading and copyediting certification in 2018.

I employ my aptitude for pattern recognition to help authors like you who want to avoid "cookie-cutter" novels—but still want things tidy—and enhance reader experiences in discovering new perspectives, making connections, and more.

Thanks for taking the time to get to know a few things about me and for your consideration. It'd be great to hear from you when you're ready to tackle some editing.

"Fiction reveals truths that reality obscures." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Developmental Editing

Developmental Editing

Assessment of big picture items such as plot, POV, characters, world-building, and pacing. Organizing the structure of your story to ensure its flow, strength of engagement, and optimal reader enjoyment.

Line editing

Line editing

Rewriting of sentences in need of clarity to amplify your writing so it makes its strongest impact on your readers.



Organizing and structuring sentences and paragraphs for good flow. Checking and verifying word usage and adherence to style guidelines. Also checks spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

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How do I work? Carefully, with your vision in mind.

How long it takes me to edit your manuscript depends on quite a few factors. Editing can take anywhere from 4-8 weeks. It typically takes me around a month, though (give or take a week).

I don't do rush jobs, as that would leave you with costly, subpar editing. No one wants that, and I don't feel right giving it.

My process looks like this:

When I receive the manuscript, I read through the story first to approach it from a reader’s perspective with my focus on the reading experience and to understand its characters and plot.
I’ll make small notes of things that I catch along the way to remind myself to address them more thoroughly later.

Then I read it a second time, slowly and more judiciously.
I look deeper into the details and make suggestions for aspects of the story that could be strengthened or amplified in any way, for the type of editing you've requested.

I apply corrections using Track Changes in Microsoft Word and suggestions via the comments feature.
When I feel I've covered everything I can, I'll send it back to you and you can decide whether to accept or reject changes I've made and consider what I've suggested.

My suggestions are just that.


You will always be who is in control of the story, and I intend to help you keep it that way.
If any questions arise while you're going through it, I'm here to answer them.

My suggestions come from knowledge of current best practices in the editing industry for fiction, successful practices of storytelling, reader expectations, and publishing industry standards,
but ultimately, I aim to uphold your voice and style (imperative aspects that make a story unique and warrant rule breaking.)

If this sounds good to you and you feel you’d like to work together, please begin by selecting and filling out the "New Client Intake Questionnaire" below.

Let's decide how best to start with tidying your book.

Developmental Edit

  • Price for 50,000 words
  • Includes:
  • Two passes over the manuscript
  • One round of editing
  • Two one-hour consultations
  • Editorial Letter

Line Edit

  • Price for 50,000 words
  • Includes:
  • Two passes over the manuscript
  • One round of editing
  • Two one-hour consultations
  • Style Sheet
  • Editorial Letter
Editing image
You know editing is imperative if you want your story at its absolute best when you’re ready to publish.
No doubt that's why you've landed here.

I'm here to help the world discover the best fiction they've ever experienced—the kind you've written.

I started my editing business to help fiction authors through the editing process (with as little stress as possible) to get their stories on the way to being published—to ultimately help increase the availability of epic fiction and the palpability of what it offers.

If this is your first book and are feeling a bit overwhelmed or unsure of which way to turn,
go ahead and take a deep breath; you've taken the right step toward figuring it out.
I'm happy to answer your questions about your next move.

As an AuDHD editor, my goal is to support you with empathy about ND life and offer accommodations as best I can. I'll help prevent overwhelm and offer well-informed, kind suggestions with easy-to-understand explanations.

I aim to preserve your vision, uphold the integrity of your voice and the artistry of the magnificent worlds, characters, and profound messages you so generously gift to us.

I'm an advocate for authors and readers alike.
And I'm dedicated and honored to be part of the process that helps deliver top-quality, enthralling novels by ND authors to more fiction lovers!

The goal of editing is to help enforce the bridge between author intent and reader comprehension.
Stories travel easiest and farthest when they're clear and tidy.
When this is achieved more readers are afforded the benefits of impactful, unique stories.

Let's get yours ready for its journey.

Read on in Your Benefits and find out how you benefit when we work together.

New Client Intake questionnaire

Your Benefits imageYour Benefits image
Consider me your personal avid reader with an affinity for clarity and a goal to help you communicate and share your vision.

You can depend on my desire for solid understanding, substantial conversations, and meaningful connections to eliminate obstacles in the way of them.

For you and readers, I’ve dedicated years to learning the elements of great fiction writing and practicing the ins and outs of editing.
All the different stages, their objectives, and the considerations to know where and when to apply them.
I'm a member of the Editorial Freelancers Association and keep current on industry standards for both editing and publishing.

I welcome you to ask questions at any point in the process, so you continue to feel in control of what's happening to your work.

I’m dedicated to sharing quality, up-to-date knowledge that provides answers to pressing questions and solutions to obstacles that may be holding the story back from being its most powerful.

All this—and my fervent empathy, my extensive knowledge and understanding of sensory sensitivities, and experience implementing stress-reducing accommodations for clientele from all around the world—means you get a stellar, comfortable, and professional editing experience.

Visit my profile on LinkedIn to learn more about what interests keep me and my 800+ followers connected.

Protocol is where you can find out what my process is when working on a manuscript.

Let's get your story ready to publish! Start here or email me by filling out the section below.


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The Reputable "Show, Don't Tell" Advice

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Tell, Don't Show

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